NAATTC Institutional Readiness Workshop
A workshop entitled “Benchmarking Institutional Readiness” took place in Newcastle in January. The objective of the workshop was to review and refine a template of criteria against which hospital sites within the NAATTC region can benchmark their own Institutional Readiness (IR) for delivering ATMPs to patients. This is with a view to improving sites’ IR over the course of the NAATTC project. The concept of IR was formulated and discussed in the paper “Anticipating the clinical adoption of regenerative medicine: building institutional readiness in the UK” co-authored by Prof. Andrew Webster, Professor in the Science and Technology Studies Unit, Department of Sociology, York University, and Dr Jacqueline Barry, Chief Clinical Officer for the Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult. A link to the paper can be found here:
We were delighted to be joined for the workshop by Prof. Webster who presented to delegates from clinical and academic sites within the NA region. Presentations were also delivered by Ewan Morrison (National Services Scotland) and Greg Amatt (Chiesi), as leads for NAATTC Work Package 4.
The workshop resulted in some excellent discussions around the criteria that should be considered for benchmarking sites’ IR; the template will shortly be finalised and circulated for NAATTC hospital sites to undertake this piece of work and will also be shared amongst the wider ATTC network.